:megaphone: Announcement :megaphone:

The Factorlabs Bank mobile :mobile_phone: application is now available.

The primary purpose is to demonstrate the business cases for Verifiable Credentials.

Visit the Factorlabs VC Bank on the Google Store at


The Verified ID service was used to build a payment system.

Big Picture



Bank Customer

  • Uses Factorlabs VC Bank Application on the Android device.
  • Can create a bank account.
  • Can use bank account to pay via supported eCommerce websites.

Bank System

  • Can create a bank account for the customer.
  • Can transfer money between accounts to support the payment process.
  • Can return account balance.

eCommerce Websites

  • Can ask for the bank account number.
  • Can receive the payment.

Demo overview

demo part 1 demo part 2

Key Features

  • VC Wallet - based on the Entra Verified ID SDK we build a native mobile application (Android) that allows users to store and manage their Verifiable Credentials. As this is a custom implementation (VC Wallet), the journey is fully customized to the needs of the Factorlabs Bank.
  • VC Issuer - the Factorlabs Bank can issue Verifiable Credentials for users. The process is fully automated, and the user can receive the VC in a few seconds. The current flow is in the alpha state, and I will update you on the progress.
  • VC Verifier/Presentation - with two simple, dedicated eCommerce websites: Art Gallery and Lunch Place. You can present your Bank Account Number (Verifiable Credential) and pay.

Technical Components - Azure Services

  • Azure App Service - to host the Factorlabs Bank API & eCommerce Websites.
  • Entra Verified ID - to issue and verify Verifiable Credentials.
  • Azure Cosmos DB - to store the bank accounts and transactions.
  • Entra ID - to use Service Principal & parent for Verified ID service.


Technical details

Please check my blog post about Entra Verified ID.

Try on your own

Please check “Verified ID Workshop”:

With a few simple steps, and 3-5 lines of code changes you can run a full scenario with Entra Verified ID and Verifiable Credentials.

Next Steps

  • Improve onboarding process - VC Issuance process to support account recovery process - most probably with email address.
  • Android App integration with Azure AD B2C - passwordless solution with a dedicated application from mobile, web and mobile-browser.



  • First Commit: 07-07-2023
  • First Android Commit: 03-04-2024
  • Total Merged PRs: 157
  • Languages: JavaScript (with JQuery), HTML, CSS, Kotlin, Java, C#

Android changes



  • To make a public Android App in the Google Store I’m needed to keep the tests for 14 days with 20 active users. Thank you for all the testers!
  • Azure Subscription to deploy services.