Verified ID Business Case: VC as payment method

TD;DR :megaphone: Announcement :megaphone: The Factorlabs Bank mobile :mobile_phone: application is now available. The primary purpose is to demonstrate the business cases for Verifiable Credentials. Visit the Factorlabs VC Bank on the Google Store at Details The Verified ID service was used to build a payment system. Big Picture Actors Bank Customer Uses Factorlabs VC Bank Application on the Android device. Can create a bank account. Can use bank account to pay via supported eCommerce websites. Bank System Can create a bank account for the customer. Can transfer money between accounts to support the payment process. Can return account balance. eCommerce Websites Can ask for the bank account number. Can receive the payment. Demo overview ...

September 9, 2024 · Mateusz Jendza

Check Entra Verified ID

Updated: 30-06-2024 Playground Entra Verified ID Workshop Do you want to try it? Use my GitHub repository to set up your credentials. Entra Verified ID Workshop You can start with my workshop and create a simple flow with Entra Verified ID. All divided into steps with the code and the explanation. Big Picture Verifiable Credentials solve problems for identities in the digital world. What does it mean? Please check the story: You own the national ID card. It is in your wallet. To get the document, you must visit the government office, provide information/documents, check your identity with your old ID, passport, or proof of birth, and wait for the document. ...

March 12, 2024 · Mateusz Jendza